1. Incorporate Hatha Yoga: Practice different types of hatha yoga, such as slow stretching or more vigorous workouts, to release tension, promote flexibility, and relieve stress.

2. Utilize Breath Control (Pranayama): Learn to regulate your breath and take deep breaths to quickly combat stressful situations. Breath work not only relaxes the body during yoga but also translates well into daily life.

3. Clear the Mind: Use yoga techniques to tame the monkey mind and focus on the present moment.

3. Clear the Mind: Use yoga techniques to tame the monkey mind and focus on the present moment.

4.Practice Relaxation: End each yoga session with relaxation, such as the corpse pose (savasana), to achieve total release for both the body and mind.

5. Combine Yoga Poses and Breathing Techniques: Incorporate stress-relieving yoga poses like Cat-Cow Pose and Child's Pose with pranayama techniques like alternate nostril breathing or lion's breath to enhance relaxation and cultivate feelings of calm and serenity.